Content authors
Dr James O’Callaghan, FANZCA, FFPMANZCA
Axxon Pain Medicine and Brisbane Private Pain Medicine.
Brisbane Private and Greenslopes Private Hospitals, Qld.
Associate Professor Brendan Moore, FANZCA, FFPMANZCA
Associate Professor, The University of Queensland, Centre for Integrated Preclinical Drug Development.
Consultant Anaesthetist and Pain Medicine Specialist, Greenslopes Private Hospital, and Brisbane Private Hospital and St Vincent's Hospital in Brisbane, Qld.
Professor Stephan A Schug, MD, FANZCA, FFPMANZCA
Chair of Anaesthesiology.
Pharmacology, Pharmacy and Anaesthesiology Unit.
School of Medicine and Pharmacology.
University of Western Australia.
Director of Pain Medicine, Royal Perth Hospital, WA.
Contributing experts
General Practitioner and Pain Management Consultant, Sydney, NSW.
Senior Clinical Tutor, Universities of Sydney and Notre Dame, NSW.
GP Editor of the publication Pain Management Today.
Dr Aston Wan MBBCh, MA, GDMM, MClEpid, MPainMed, MHeadacheMed, PCertMedEd, AFRACMA, FFPMANZCA
Director and Specialist Pain Physician.
Senior Lecturer, University of Queensland.
Persistent Pain Service, Division of Rehabilitation.
Princess Alexandra Hospital, Qld.
Jacqueline Hunt BNurs, MScMed (Pain Mgt)
Clinical Nurse Consultant, Barwon Health Pain Management Unit.
University Hospital Geelong, Vic.
Member of the Australian Pain Society.
Medical writer
Susan Owen, PhD
Learning objectives
On completing this activity, participants should be able to:
- Understand the basic physiology of the pain pathway.
- Describe where and how different types of pain medicine target this pathway.
- Explain how different pain medications target specific types and aspects of pain.
- Understand how combining pain medications with different mechanisms of action can achieve a better outcome.

Understand the pathophysiology of pain and how different types of medication can target the pain pathway. Execute a more targeted approach to the choice of pharmacological treament, matching drug therapies with the underlying causititive mechanisms of pain - avoiding sub-optimal patient outcomes that may be due to higher doses of ineffective drugs. $35.00 + GST