Content authors
Professor Milton L Cohen, FRACP, FFPMANZCA
Specialist Pain Medicine Physician, St Vincent's Hospital and Clinic, Sydney, NSW
Dr Christopher Hayes, FANZCA, FFPMANZCA
Director of Hunter Integrated Pain Service, John Hunter Hospital, Newcastle, NSW
Associate Professor Brendan Moore, FANZCA, FFPMANZCA
Associate Professor, The University of Queensland, Centre for Integrated Preclinical Drug Development.
Consultant Anaesthetist and Pain Medicine Specialist, Greenslopes Private Hospital, and Brisbane Private Hospital and St Vincent's Hospital in Brisbane, Australia.
Associate Professor Meredith J Craigie, FFPMANZCA
Specilaist Pain Medicine Physican, CALHM Pain Management Unit, The Queen Elizabrth Hospital, SA
Activity authors
Sue Markham, BAppSci, NSW
Raquel Newman BVSc, MANZCVSc (emergency and critical care) VIC
Learning objectives
On completing this activity, participants should be able to:
- Discuss how pain is both a common and diverse health problem and a significant cause of frustration for patients, their carers and health care providers.
- Explain why an effective assessment of pain requires a whole person approach.
- Demonstrate the skills and attitudes required for effective whole person assessment of pain.
- Describe the important mechanisms/pathways and pathophysiology of various pain experiences.
- Acquire information gathering skills and knowledge of the complexity of pain to make an effective diagnosis.

Understand the importance of a whole-person approach to pain assessment and its complexities, including a modern 'sociopsychcobiomedical' perspective of the pain experience and how to recognize key pathophysiological pathways that underly pain. Develop techniques for a more skillful patient communication of your diagnosis. $35.00 + GST